Festivals & Jubilees

AvailAble Rooms

Following rooms are at your disposal:

  • 2 Seminar Rooms

    2 Säle zu je ca. 60 m², gelegen in einem ehemaligen Getreidespeicher der Barockzeit.

    Direkter Zugang vom Garten aus. Davor gelegener repräsentativer grüner Salon.

  • Party-halls

    Two smaller halls, each 70 sqm, part of a gothic tower.

  • Great Cellar

    Great Cellar (click to enlarge)enlargeBig storage cellar of the renaissance period. Direct access to the central court.

    On 300 sqm, there is place for approx. 200 persons.

  • Small Cellar

    Small Cellar (click to enlarge)enlargeThree smaller, domed rooms, one of them in the basement of a tower. Direct access to the garden.

    Place for approx. 100 persons.


  • Garden/Court

    Garden/Court (click to enlarge)enlarge




Please request for further rooms for your festival: request form.


Guest accommodation for approx. 50 persons in the castle.